Dr. A.V. Sangamnerkar

Untitled Document


(A Review of 797 cases)

Dr. A.V. Sangamnerkar, M.D., D.G.O
Consulting Obsletrician&Gynaecologist,
Colony Nursing Home, 209, Sadashiv Peth, POONA 411 030.


Sterility is a most perplexing problem for Gynecologist, General Practitioner and for pa­tients also. From years together various efforts have been made to satisfy the urge of a couple to have an offspring. But with all the efforts till this day and recent advances in medical Sci­ence an absolute answer to all the cases of In­fertility is not found.

Various tests, investigations etc. have been devised and these are useful to many of them where the organic and pathological causes are detected. But all the same there is large number of infertility cases where in no specific defect is detected by all the routine investigations done on the couple. In other words, they are found normal but still are having the curse of infertility.

Infertility is usually defined as 1 year of un­protected coitus without Pregnancy. Accord­ingly 10 to 20% couples are considered as in­fertile. Statistically,

1.                   Male Factors are responsible for 40%

2.                   Failure of ovulation 10 to 15%

3.                   Tubal Pathology 20 to 30%

4.                   Cervical factor 5%

5.                   No known cause cases 10 to 20%

These 10 to 20% of the couples without any organic pathology are the real hard nuts to break. And it is for these cases that the drug Aloes Compound has been tried as an adjuvant therapy to antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and to hormone preparations and also in cases where the menstrual cycle was scanty, irregular.

Sharma (1972) in his pharmacological control study on female Rabbits of known fertility observed that Aloes Compound has a fertility promoting property.

Roshan Bulsara (1966) used Aloes Compound along with Lugol's Iodine in cases of infertility associated with scanty and irregular menses and found it satisfactory.

Pharmacology and properties Aloes Compound:-

1.            ALOES: (Aloes Indica): 70 mg: is obtained from sap of leaves cut from the aloes plant and has crystalline aloin, aloe emodin, resin and volatie oil etc. constituents. It is bitter, appetizer, digestive, laxative and emmenagogue. Used in delayed or irregular menstruation occurring at the interval of two or three months, Aloes gives better results when given in combination with Myrrh.



2.            MYRRH (Hira Bol): 70 mg: hematinic, ap­petizer and emmenagogue; excreted by the mucous membrane of the genito-urinary tract which it stimulates, disinfects and regu­lates. Used in amenorrhea due to anaemia with iron bhasma, painful and scanty menstruation.             *

3.            JEEVANTI (Leptadenia reticulata): Kamboji (Breynia patens): 60 mg: Stabilizing ef­fect of neuro-glandular system.

4.            MANJISHTA (Rubiacordifolia): 35 mg. Sedative, anti-inflammatory, tonic. It acts on uterine muscles through the nervous sys­tem. Used in scanty menstruation, amenor­rhoea after delivery, endometritis.

5.            KASIS BHASMA (Iron Bhasma): 30 mg:

preparation of established value for anaemia and debility without the side effects ol the usual iron-therapy like constipation and blackening of teeth. Used along with Myrrh in irregular menstruation due to anaemia. By improving anaemia it helps in regularising menstruation.

6.            HURMAL (Paganum harmala): 35 mg: an­tispasmodic sedative and emmenagogue. Used in amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea.

Here we have considered Aloes Compoundfor its anabolic activity in the genital tract/ uterine and ovarian function.


A study of 797 cases of Primary & Secon­dary infertility who have visited the clinic between January 71 to December 76 was underta­ken. Details are as follows:

TABLE 1  No. of cases reviewed & evaluated

No. of Total cases reviewed               797

No. of cases dropped after first

consultation       263

Inadequate following     177

Total No. of cases evaluated       357

357 = 306 Primary + 51 Secondary Infertility.


TABLE No. 2: Age Group







Below 20





20 to 30





31 to 40,


19 6%



above 40








