Mrs. Kusum Gupta



Mrs.  Kusum   Gupta, M.S

Dept. of Obst. & Gynaec

S.N.Medical College, Agra

  Incidence  of  sterility  in  Gynaecological  practice  is  one of the commonest disorders  met with.  Many  a time  even after complete investigation of  the  couple  no  cause  could  be attributed.    Such  functional cases  are    problem   to  deal  with. It was thought worthwhile to try  Aloes  Com pound  a  preparation  from  Alarsin   Pharmaceuticals    before    leaving  the  case to  nature.

Pharmacology of the Drug :-

Each  tablet  of  Aloes  com pound  contains :-

Aloes   60 mg
Myrrh   60 mg
Manjista   30 mg
Loha ( Iron ) Bbasma   30 mg
Hurmal   30 mg

The  above  combination  is  particularly  indicated   in genital  disorders  of  psychic  origin as it   acts  through  the nervous  system.

Selection of cases :-

The  cases  were  selected  from   Gynaec, Outdoor  and sterility  clinic  of  S.  N.  Hospital,  Agra.   Cases coming  in   private practice were also included. All the cases were thoroughly investigated to find   the  cause  of   sterility.   Only    those    cases were  included  in  the  study  where  no   specific   cause   could  be atributed for  sterility.  Semenogram  of  their  husbands  were within  normal  limits.     A  total  of   250  cases   were   studied.

Doses :-

For  the  purpose  of  evaluation  of  results   after  therapy the cases  were  divided  into  following  groups.  No  distinction was  made  whether  the  case  is  of   primary  or  secondary sterility,  provided  no · organic  lesion  was  detected.


100 cases

Cases   with  normal   menstrual      pattern

3-5/25-32  days.


150 cases

A  disturbed  menstrual  pattern
Sub-group   A

50  cases

Prolonged cycle wit h normal flow

3-5/35-45    days.

50 cases    B


Prolonged cycle wit h scanty  flow

1-2/40-50  days.

50 cases    c


Normal cycle   wi th scanty           flow

1-2/ 25-30  clays.


In group I of 100 cases Aloes Com pound was given in doses of  1 tab   T.  D.  s. for  6  months  to  2  years  or   t ill  conception   reported. In group  II  double  t he  dose  i e.  2  tabs   T. D.  S.  for 6 months; then 1 tab. T. D. S. for 2 years or till conception reported. The patients were also instructed  to  have  sexual  relations  in  the  ovulation period .

Results  ( Table  I  )

lt is  obvious  from  the  table  that   Aloes    compound  has improved  the  fertility   of  the  patient .    Conception  took  place in  46%  of  normally  menstruating  women  and   about  39%  in cases  with   disturbed   menstrual    function.    Menstruation   was also  im proved  in  44%  to  60%  of  cases.  Sense   of   well   being and improvement in health  was  noticed  in  72.5%  of  all  eases. Their   mental   tension    was   lowered.

Summary :-

It has  been  observed   that   Aloes   Compound   is  a  drug of choice in cases of  functional  sterility  and  disturbed  menstrual  functions.

Acknowledgement :-

We  are   thankful –  to   Manthan,   Research  Division  of Alarsin Pharmaceut icals,  Bom bay-1 for  t heir  co-operation  in or   trials  with  Aloes  Compound.