
Vasco Dental Clinic, Vasco da Gama, Goa.


Ayurvedic drugs cater to the large popu­lation in our country, because 80% of our population is in rural India. Our aim was to find out whether G32, an Ayurvedic product is useful in some common orodental conditions.

G32 is supplied in easily crushable tablet form for topical application and massage in oro-dental conditions, and for maintaining bet­ter oral hygiene in health and sickness.

G32 contains the following ingredients :

Bakula (Mimosops alangi), Chok (Calcium carbonate), Katho (Acacia catechu). Laving (Myrtus caryophyllus), Chikani Supari (Areca catechu), Fatakadi (Alumen), Mayaphal (Quer­cus infectoria), Elachi (Eilettaria cardamomum). Sonageru Silicate of alumina & iron oxide), Jim (Carum carui). Majith (Rubia cardifolia), Pas­hanbhed (Saxifruge ligulata), Samudrafin  Vajradanti (Barleria prinonitis), Taj (Cinnamomum cassia), Mari (Piper nigrum), Sa­jikhar (Sodium carbonate impura), Kulinjan (Al­pinia chinensis). Pipar (Piper longum), Kapur (Camphora officinarum), Kuth (Uncaria gambier. Gunder (Acacia arahica).

G32 is described to have astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, stysptic, deodorant, aromatic, anodyne. healing and cooling proper­ties.


In this trial there were 8 cases of single tooth extraction (preoperative) and 8 cases of single tooth extraction (post operative), 8 cases of oral cavity ulcers of unknown etiology, 10 cases of leukoplakia and 10 case of submucous fibrosis., a   total of 44 cases.

Condition No. of cases


Single tooth extraction;

(Preoperative) 8


Single tooth extraction;
(Post Operative)

8 18.2
Ulcer Oral Cavity 8



10 22.7

Submucous fibrosis :






Males & Females

There were 27 males (61.4%) and 17 females t38.6%), Patients were between the ages of 30-and 50 years.

Use of G32: The Patients were advised to crush 2 tablets of G32 to powder and apply it to the site of the lesion and massage gently for a few minu­tes. They were asked to rinse and gargle after lU-30 minutes. This was to be done twice a day.

Results of G32: Dental Extraction

In 8 cases of single tooth extraction, G32 was used preoperatively, one day before extrac­tion and on the day of extraction. Bleeding was minimal after extraction and there were no bleeding complications. The results were 100% Good. In 8 cases of single tooth extraction, G32 was used post-operatively on the day of extrac­tion. 4 cases showed Good response (50%) and 2 cases showed Fair response (25%) and 2 cases showed Poor response (25%). This shows that pre-extraction use of G32 is more beneficial than its use post-extraction.

Results: Ulcers of Oral Cavity

In ulcers of the oral cavity G32 application showed improvment from day to day to the great relief of the patient. It reduced pain, hali­tosis and excessive salivation and all the ulcers healed in 7 days of treatment (100%).

Results: Leukoplakia & Submucous Fibrosis

Cases of Leukoplakia and submucous fi­brosis, being chronic lesions, treatment was necessarily a prolonged one and the patients were under treatment and observation for 12 months. During this period there was Good relief in 60% of cases. Even those cases that did not show complete relief, showed histo-patholo­gical changes for the better.


Tooth Extraction :

G32 is found very beneficial when use:

one day before extraction (preoperative), and beneficial when used on day of extraction (post operative).

Ulcers in the Oral Cavity

Ulcers healed in all the cases (100010 result) within one week, reducing pain, halitosis and excessive salivation.


There was complete relief in 60% of cases in one year, Fair relief in 20% and Poor relief in 20%. However, even in those cases of Fair and Poor relief, it was observed that there were histopathological changes towards recovery.

SUBMUCOUS FIBROSIS : There was com­plete relief in 60°10 cases in one year, Fair relief in 30% and Poor relief in 10%. However, even in those cases of Fair and Poor relief, it was observed that there were histopathological changes towards recovery.

Toxic or side Effects

There were no toxic or side effects, local or systemic, with the use of G32.

Overall, G32 is found to be beneficial when used preoperatively or post-operatively in dental extraction, and in the relief of com­mon ulcers of the oral cavity, leukoplakia and submucous fibrosis.




Results of G32 application


No. of      cases Good Fair Poor

Single tooth extraction

(preoperative G32)

8  100%

Single tooth  extraction.

(postoperative G32)

8 4 50% 2 25010 2


Ulcers Oral Cavity

8 8



10 6 60% 2 20% 2 20%

Submucous Fibrosis

10 6 6Ct°10 3 30% 1 10%


1 . Ajga.onkar, S. B . (1978) : Clinical trialiwth G32

local application in GingiN iti :,nd Periodontitis -Medicine & Surgery, 18 : 18, 26-28. Aug. 78.

  1. K.L. & Ghorai, R. (1979) : A Clini­cal trial on the efficacy of G32, an Ayurvedic preparation in gingival and neriodontal inflam­mation – 15th West Bengal State Dmt. Calcutta, 1 & 2 Dec. 79.
  2. Boghani, C. P. (1980) : Keratin ization of normal, diseased and treated gingivae – Role of Medicat­ed Massage (G32 & Jensocin) – 1st International & 34th National Dent. Bombay, 20-24 Jan. 80.
  3. Bh•-ker. P. K . & Santhanakrichnan, S. Histopathalogical evaluation of G32 in periodon­tal disease – 33rd Indian Dental Conf.. Madras, 28-31 Dec. 78.

5 . Bhatna,:ar, P K (1980): 632 topical application and massage in periodontal Diseases – one year study.. Mediscope, 23-1, 2-6, April 80.

  1. Ka,rn a t, N.Y. (1980) : Effect of n A y urve­dic Drug in Oral Hygiene & Periodontal Disc.a­ses – 1st International & 34th National Dental Conf., Bombay 20-24 Jan. 80 & r. Ind. Dent. Assn. 53 :1 2, 389-392, Dec. 81.
  2. K rishnarjun Rao, C. & Ramasv, amy. M. (1978) : Effect of G32 massage in Gingival Inflammation – Current Med. Prat. 22:6, 281-85, June 78
  3. C.S.. Bh.a,sker. P K Kumar. T . S. S . & Janakiraman, G. (1980) : Evaluation of the effect of G32 as the dentifrice in epileptic patients on dil a.n tin Sodium therapy – 1st International & 34th National Dental Conf., Bombay. 20-24 Ian. 80.
  4. R adhakrishnan. A .N .         (1978) : G32 as Gum massage in 700 cases of Bleeding Gums and less of stippling ( A group study with cooperation of the local family physicians) – 33rd IndianDental Conf.. Madras, 28-31. Dec. 78 & Bom­bay Hospital J r. 21:2, 19-23, April 79.
  5. Rajasekhar, A., Ramachandran, K . , Miglani, D. C . & Prasad, C. S . : (1978): Therapeutic use­fulness of G32 in various periodontal conditions

A clinical Study. 32nd Ind. Dent. Conf., Gun­tur. 28-30 Jan,. 78 & The Antiseptic, 76:6, 336. June 79.

  1. Miss Shah Kirti P. (1977) : G32 in acute and chronic Gingivitis associated with painful teeth

Current Med. Pract. 21:2. 65-68, Feb. 77..

12 . Srivastava, Y.C. (1978) : Clinical trial of 632 in the treatment of Oral Laukoplakia – 33rd Indian Dental Conf., Madras, 28-31, Dec. 78 & Current Med. Pract. 23:5. 223-29, May 79.

  1. Y . C . (1980) : A Controlled study f G32 as local application in Common n 0 3 ; lesions of the oral cavity_ – 1st International 34th National Dent. Conf., Bombay, 20-24 Jan. 80.
  2. Varghcse, 1pe V. (1980): Effect of 0-32 on gtne­ralised gingival inflammation among the rural population of Kerala, – 4th Annual Con!. of Indian Society of Periodontology, Bombay, 18-10 80.
  3. Varma, B.R .R N arida k Lnar, K . !-
    kharan Nai r Ram Monoha r (1980) : Effect of G32 Periodontal diseases — a clinical and his­topath ological evaluation – 1st International 34th National Con., Bombay, 20-24. Jan. 80.
  4. Yadav, N . S Qidwae Waheeda Shahin (1979) :
    A double blind Controlled trial of G32: – 1st P. State Dental Conf. Hyderabad, 30th Sept. & 1st Oct. 79.
  5. N . S. & Qidwae Wanetda Shahin ‘1980) A double blind controlled trial of G32 in cases Chronic girigh itis and Periodontitis with Bleed­ing gums – 1st International & 34th National Dent. Conf. Bombay, 20-24 Jan. 80. & Jr. Intl. Dent. Assn . Vol, 53. 13-15, Jan . 81 .


We are thankful to M/s. Alarsin Pharma¬ceuticals, Bombay-400 023 for their co-opera¬tion.

Paper presented at 35th Indian Dental Conference, 28-31 Dec. 80, Amritsar.

*• Present:address : Senior Registrar, Dept.. of Oral Surgery & Oral Pathology, La gos University Teaching Hospi­tal. Lagos (Nigeria), W. Africa.