DR B N Shah

for the use of only registered medical
practitioners or a hospital or a laboratory

Paper read before

41st All India Medical Conference

Baroda, December 1965


( A Clinical Study of Hospitalised patients )

DR B N. SHAH  M. B. B. S., T. D D.

Acting Medical Superintendent, S. P. (T. B.) Sanatorium,
BARODA, (Gujarat).


Cough is the presenting symptom in Pulmonary Tuberculosis, so much so that one can say: no cough, no tuberculosis.
Treat the disease very well and the symptoms should abate. This is true for tuberculosis and its cough provided it is caught early and treated well. But in pulmonary tuberculosis when the disease becomes chronic, cough with or without expectoration is much troublesome to the patient and a problem for the physician. It is our experience that the usual cough sedatives!expectorants with anti-T.B. drugs help but little in the majority of these cases.

Selection of the Drug

A compound of Talispatra (T-Tone of Alarsin) was selected for this study.


Each tablet of T-Tone contains:—

   Talispatra Co (Taxas baccatea Co) 175.0 mg.
Vasant Malini (Pearl bhasma compound) 1.5 mg.
Suvarna Makshikam (an Iron-Sulphur Co) 1.5 mg.
Praval (Coralium rubrum) bhasma 52.0 mg.
Abrale (Mica) bhasma 6.5 mg.


In Ayurveda these herbo-mineral drugs are used mostly in vari­ous combinations for coughs, bronchitis, low-grade fever and in – piratory, pulmonary and wasting diseases.

They have anti phlegmatic,and established tonic effects and can be given to the aged and children alike.


This drug was triel on twenty one cases of Pulmonary tuber­culosis admitted to A.P.- (T.B.) Sanatorium, Baroda. In majority of these cases relief of cough had become difficult inspite of usual measures after hospitalisation.

Dosage: The drug was given in a dosage of 2 tablets t.d.s. for the 1st week, and 1 tablet t.d.s. for another 3 weeks. The Chemo­therapy suitable to the individual case was continued during the drug trial.


 about 25% improvement as Slight Improvement
 50%  Moderate  PP







In all the 21 cases except one improvement in cough was noticed at the end of 1st week, in the remaining case it was noticed at the end of 2nd week, improvement in, cough in these cases progressed in subsequent weeks in 16 cases, in 2 cases it remained stationary for other weeks, in one case having moderate improvement felt in bet­ween had slight improvement in the end, and 2 cases though felt initial improvement did not feel any improvement in the end. The observations at the end of 4 weeks were as tabulated below:—


Table—I showing improvement in Cough

Improvement No. of cases % cases
Marked 14 66.6%
Moderate 2 9.5%
Slight 3 14.3%
No 2 9.5%