Dr J P Gupta

Dr. J. P. Gupta A.B.M.S.
S. Mehta Hospital,
Ramghat, Varanasi.

The Journal of Chikitsak-Parishad Vol. 2 No. 3 Page 56 to 60 March 1971

Irritating cough of whatsoever origin is a very unpleasant affair to the patients particularly if the same is associated with Koch’s Lung. Cough is a society problem in the sense that a general concensus of prolonged cough in the people’s mind is that one might be suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis and once one develops a sort of complex. Such persons become psychic many a time they avoid to mix with society.

Therefore such conditions must be given top priority in the treatment because it is a medico-social problem. In my experience usual cough sedatives—expectorants do little specially when related to specific infection like Koch’s Lung in most of the cases.

Selection of Drug : Therefore the use of T-Tone (Dekofcyn) tablets (Alarsin) in such cases and trials on this unique indigenous drug were started.

Composition of T—Tone tablet :

Talispatra (Taxus buccata) compound   175.0 mg.
Praval (Corallium rubrum) Bhasma  52.0 mg.
Abhrak (Mica) Bhasma 6.5 mg
Suvarnmakshikam  225.0 mg
Vasant malini 1.5 mg.

Talispatra Compound contains : (a) Pipplimool (b) Satavari (c) Ardusi (d) Aswagandha (e) Dagdipashanbhed (f) Galo (g) Amla (h) Kachula

This compound acts as an expectorant, sedative, antispas­modic with appetiser, carminative, digestive and haemostatic properties.

Praval Bhasma: is commonly used as a nervine tonic, haemos­tatic, appetiser, digetive, anti phlegmatic. This is also useful in the treatment of various chest diseases with special reference to pulmonary tuberculosis and low-grade pyrexia of long duration.

Abhrak Bhasma: is well known for its anti tubercular properties. When combined with Iron its effect is enhanced.

Suvarnmakshikam : is a renowned haematinic efficacious in the treatment of anaemia, chest diseases and tuberculosis.

Vasant malini: is specially used in debilitating diseases with special reference to chronic fever, tubercular adenitis, tuberculosis and pleurisy.

Material and Methods : Thirty cases were selected for the trial amongst which four­teen were suffering from Koch’s Lung with irritating cough as a predominating symptom. Ten cases were suffering from chronic bronchitis and six were of whooping cough (all children).

Diagnosis of these cases were done by taking history with family background, thorough clinical examination, blood report, X-Ray chest /fluroscopy and sputum examination for AFB. All these cases were treated and followed up in the out Itient department in the dosage of two tablets T.D S. for one Week and then one tablet T.D.S. for another three weeks in adult cases while in infants and children dosage schedule was 1/2 tablet T.D.S. for five weeks.

This whole work was divided into three groups :

Group I-Koch’s Lung with irritating cough as a predominating symptom. Number of cases in this series were fourteen, ten females and four males. All were adults between 25 to 40 years of age.

Group II-Chronic Bronchitis: ten cases were taken into consi­deration in which six were females and four males between the age group of 15 years to 35 years.

Group III-Whooping Cough : Number of cases were six only; all children between 3 years to 7 years of age. All were males.

Improvement in symptoms has been graded as follows:

GRADE I Slight improvement : 20 % to 40 %
GRADE II Moderate improvement : 50 % to 60 %
GRADE III Marked improvement : 70 % to 100 %

DISCUSSION : In the first group of fourteen cases those who were suffering from Koch’s Lung, ten out of fourteen cases received T-Tone tablets along with other antitubercular drugs as inj-Streptomycin, INH and PAS. In these cases presenting symptoms were irri­tating cough with haemoptysis. No cough Sedatives/Expecto_   rants were used except T-Tone tablets. Patients got relief in 2 weeks time and no cough at all in other 2 weeks. Haemoptysis of varying degrees was also there with these patients. It was observed that haemoptysis also subsided in this duration in all the ten cases. The remarkable feature was that no other haemo­static drugs were given during treatment. So it is presumed that this would have been the effect of T-Tone. Slight improve­ment was also noticed in the general health in four, moderate in three and marked in three cases.

Remaining four cases of first group were that of borderline a revealed by skiagram chest. Such patients were purely put on-­T-Tone tablets without any other antitubercular drug. The relief in cough was noticed in 1 week and complete absence of symptoms in another 3 weeks time with moderate gain in weight.

These patients had elevated E. S. R. level which came down to normal and marked fibrosis was seen in all the zones in all the four cases. Thus its antitubercular activity with suppression of irritating cough could be grouped as “marked”. The improve­ment in general health was marked in three and slight in one.
Amongst ten cases of the second group, that is those who were suffering from chronic bronchitis (of more than 3 to 6 years duration), 6 were females and 4 males. All were adults between 20 to 40 years of age. Similar dose in all of them was tried, that is, two tablets T. D. S. for one week then one tablet T. D. S. for three weeks. In five cases, those of female group patients got relief in 2 weeks time and marked improvement was noticed in another 2 weeks time. In remaining one female case there was no res­ponse at all. She developed nausea and vomiting. Out of four, male cases three got relief in cough in 2 weeks time and improve­ment of moderate degree at the end of 4 weeks was noticed. In one of the male cases improvement in cough was very slight.

As regards the general health in all the ten patients, three got marked improvement, three moderate and four slight imp­rovement. These patients returned back to normal appetite and gained weight.

Moderate to marked results have also been noted in children suffering from whooping cough, that is of group 3. Number of cases treated in this series were six only and all between 3 to 7 years of age. All were males. The dosage schedule in all the children was 1/2 tablet T. D.S. for 5 weeks. Moderate improvement in cough was noticed in two, and marked improvement the rest of the four cases. Patients felt relief in 2 weeks time and aforesaid improvement at the end of 5 weeks. The improvement in general health and gain in weight was moderate in two and marked in four cases.

In this series though the cases for trial were very less in num­ber yet the results remained encouraging and needs further trial.


No. of Cases Improvement Percentage
13 Marked improvement 43.33 %
15 Moderate improvement 50.00 %
1 Slight improvement 3.33 %
1 No response 3.33 %


No. of Cases    Improvement  Percentage
13  Marked improvement  43.33 %
8  Moderate improvement    26.67 %
9  Slight improvement   30.00 %

Side Effects: No side effects in majority of the cases. Only one case developed slight nausea and vomiting.

Observations : 1) Improvement in cough was noticed h the end of 2 weeks in majority of the cases. Complete improvement in symptoms was noticed at the end of 4 to 5 weeks duration. 2) Haemostatic properties were also noticed in ten cases. 3) Improvement in general health was noticed in all with the return to normal appetite and definite gain in weight. 4) In majority of the cases no side effects at all. Only one case developed slight nausea and vomiting. 5) No habit forming property. 6) No respiratory depressant action noted. 7) Results are encouraging in whooping cough.

Conclusions :  Results are much encouraging particularly in tuberculosis and whooping cough. Further trial in whooping cough cases are need-ed. The improvement in general health with significant gain in weight and feeling of well being were also noticed. The product has got some haemostatic property also. Irritating cough seems to respond well to T-Tone. T-Tone has got unique property of suppressing cough.

Acknowledgement : My thanks are due to M/s Alarsin Pharmaceuticals, Bombay, for the liberal supply of T-Tone tablets to carry out the trials. References :

  1. Mathur J. B. L. (1967) : The Indian Practitioner, Volume XX No. 6: 409 2. Shah B. N. (1965) : Paper at 41st. All India Med. Conf. Baroda, Dec. 196\r’ 3. Vakil P. R. (1964) : Indian Practitioner. Dec. 1964 4. Chopra R. N. (1964): Indigenous Drugs of India, Second Edn.