Dr. L N Gupta

From Current Medical Practice, Vol.19, ”  No.6. P.272=273, June 1975.


          Dr. L N Gupta, MBBS, DCH
Dr. J.S Saluja MBBS, DCP

          Pathologist, Raipur, (M.P)

Sterility is an individual problem and the sterile coupling 15 more concerned about having their own child rather than thinking about population explosion. According to various authors, the male partner is responsible for infertility in 40 % of infertile marriages.

The family physician is often called upon to treat such cases.

Current treatment: The use of testosterone in oligospermia is controversial and the treatment remains unsatisfactory, We have treated a number of oligospermia patients with- Fortege (Alarsin) an ayurvedic drug, giving encouraging results. Here is a typical case history.

CASE STUDY: A young married couple was seen by us with no issue even after 3 years of marriage. The couple was advised for a complete medical check-up. The lady was examined by a gynecologist

The blood V.D.R.L. was negative in both partners. The Tubal potency test was normal. The menstrual cycle was also normal.

Then semen examination of the male partner was advised with due precautions. The examination showed oligospermia in three consecutive examinations threé consecutive examinations (Table 1) The diagnosis of oligospermia was established.

The tablet Fortege was started 2 tid doses along with other general tonics which did not contain any hormone or any other stimulating drug.

  1. Tablet Fortege increases the sperm count
  2. It increases the total quantity of.semen
  3. It increases the mobility and number of mature sperms in semen.

DISCUSSION: During the course of the treatment, Semen examination was done every month which showed definite improvement (Table No. 2). After 3 months of treatment, the lady conceived and the treatment was discontinued.

To check the consistency of the effect, we got his semen examination done after 6 months of stopping the treatment and found the same result

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Our thanks. are due to Shri S.D. Deshmukh of Alarsin Pharmaceuticals, Bombay, who arranged for the supply of sufficient tablets of Fortege for this trial.

Showing Oligospermia before treatment

1st Month
2nd Month
3rd Month
( 21.7.73)
Time of collection 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am
Time of examination 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am
Volume 0.5 cc 0.5 cc 0.5 cc
Liquidification Liquefied Liquefied Liquefied
pH 8 8 8
Sperm Count 10.4 m/cc 10.5 m/cc 9.8 m/cc
Motility 0% 0% 0%
Morphology 5-10% abnormal 5-10% abnormal 5-10% abnormal
Pus Cells 1-2 /HPF 1-2/ HPF 1-2/HPF

Showing the effect of Fortege after 6 months of discontinuing the treatment

  1st Month
2nd Month
3rd Month
Time of collection 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am
Time of examination 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am
Volume 1.5 cc 2.8 cc 3.8 CC
Liquidification Liquefied Liquefied Liquefied
pH 8 8 8
Sperm Count 13.4 m/cc 36 m/cc 64 m/cc
Motility 10% 30% 60%
Morphology 5-10% 10% 5%
Pus Cells 1-2 HPF 1 HPF 0 HPF