for the use only of a registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laboratory.
(Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding)
Dr. S. R. JAHAGIRDAR, F.R.C.S. (Edn), F.R.C.S. (Eng),
Consulting Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, HYDERABAD. (A.P.)
At the outset, I am very grateful to the Secretary, International College of Surgeons, Indian Section, to present my paper this afternoon, “Place of indigenous Drug AYAPON in the D.U.B.”
As you know everyday’s talk is of indigenous material wherever you go. This drug AYAPON is an indigenous drug – nonhormonal, which has been tried in 80 cases, of various types of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, which was tried at Govt. Maternity Hospital and in my private nursing home.
This Ayurvedic drug AYAPON consists of Ayapan, Nagkeshar, Ashoka and Godanti. The main consideration of the Doctor towards his patients is to get immediate relief. We should not have any prejudice against our sister medicines like Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic etc., provided they are harmless to the patients, and at the same time give relief to the patients.
Leaves of EUPATORIUM AYAPANA contain neutral crystalline constituents of Ayapin and Ayapanin which have got pronounced haemostatic effect and are non-toxic. This haemostatic property of E. Ayapana has been studied in dogs.
Numerous papers were published on the efficacy of the Drug particularly in Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding. Recently this drug has been tried in after l.U.C.D. insertions to prevent irregular bleeding and spotting.
In 80 cases treated with AYAPON, 30 patients had D & C: Before starting the treatment organic cause of bleeding is excluded and the condition of the cervix is noted.
The following are the cases in which AYAPON was tried.
Pubertal Bleeding 15 cases
Puerperium 10 cases
After Abortion 15 cases
After D & C 10 cases
Menorrhagia 20 cases
Nearing Menopause 10 cases
In 30 cases out of 80 cases under trial, D&C was done and the condition was examined histopathologically 85% of the endometrium showed proliferative of early or mid type while 10 to 15% showed secretory phase.
Dosages adopted were 1 tablet four times a day and was given continuously for 2 months irrespective of a menstrual period.
In most of the cases the results can be considered very encouraging. The bleeding stopped within 4 to 7 days of the treatment. No toxic effects were observed.
In pubertal bleeding, AYAPON is the drug of choice. D.U.B. of pubertal type bleeding is due to hormonal imbalance. It is far better not to administer any hormone therapy for these pubertal bleeding which may upset the delicate hormonal mechanism of the body.
In post abortal bleeding and after D. & C.the bleeding is usually prolonged.and scanty which is a nuisance to the patients. In a few cases of post abortal bleeding D. & C. was done to exclude malignant conditions like chorio carcinoma of the uterus.
In one case of menorrhagia the patient who was obese had 3 D & C’s for menorrhagia and hormonal therapy but still, she had scanty and prolonged bleeding. She was put on AYAPON one tablet 4 times daily. The bleeding was controlled in a week. She had a course of 4 months.
In premenopausal bleeding, after D. & C. to exclude malignant conditions, AYAPON wa given to avoid hysterectomy.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We are thankful to M/s. Alarsin Pharmaceuticals of Bombay for the generous supply of tablets to conduct the clinical trials.
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ALARSIN Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
Alarsin House, A/32, Road No. 3, M.l.D.C., Andheri (E), Bombay-400 093.
Paper read at XVI Conference of International College of Surgeons, Hyderabad 2-4 October 1970