Leptaden (Vet)

Leptaden (vet) ®

In Repeat Breeding Habitual Abortions



  • Normalizes Uterine and ovarian functions for successful conception and helps pregnancy to proceed to full term. Inhibits uterine biosynthesis of PGF2 Alpha. This helps nidation of Zygote and prevents early embryonic death. Helps repeaters to settle down.
  • In Repeat Breeding: Habitual Abortions: As prophylaxis: against early embryonic death and to ensure full term live birth.
  • In Large Animals: In Repeat Breeding 10 tabs twice, a day for 2 weeks from the day of Artificial Insemination or Natural Service.
  • In Animals with previous history of abortions: 10 tabs a day for 2 months continuously after Artificial Insemination or Natural Service.
  • As Prophylaxis: Against early embryonic death. 5 tabs twice a day for 2 weeks from the day of Artificial Insemination or Natural Service.
  • In Small Animals: 2 tabs twice a day for 15 to 30 days.
  • Administration: Orally in the form of Bolus/ Electuary/ Feed.