for the use only of a registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laboratory
M. A. Gangadhar, T. Gopala Krishna, Principal, Institute of Animal Reproduction
A. Tirupathi Rao, Lecturer, Institute of Animal Reproduction and
D. Suresh Babu, Asst. Lecturer, Institute of Animal Reproduction
Institute of Animal Reproduction, Mandapeta, Andhra Pradesh
Indian Vet. J. February 1999: 76: 148 – 149
Lower conception rates due to anovulation and delayed ovulation in Graded Murrah Buffaloe Heifers are not uncommon resulting in increased age at first calving and decreased productive life of the buffaloe heifers (Rao & Kesava Moorty, 1971). Any remedial measures to activate the gonads in such type of ovulatory defects in buffaloe heifers is of great consequence. The efficacy of Aloes Compound in cases of bovine infertility was well documented by Dange (1978), Dutta et al (1988) and in buffaloes by Deshpande (1983).
The present clinical trial was therefore undertaken to study the efficacy of Aloes Compound in anovulation and delayed ovulation in the Graded Murrah Buffaloe Heifers.
Among the cases that were presented at the Fertility Clinic of Institute of Animal Reproduction, Mandapeta, 43 Graded Murrah Buffaloe heifers aged 3-5 years reported to be exhibiting prolonged oestrus and not conceiving even after repeated services were included in this trial. In each case detailed history relating to the age of first heat, number of services received and estrous rhythmicity were recorded.
For arriving at the final diagnosis each animal was subjected to 1-3 rectal examinations and grouped them as follows :-
1. Anovulation : Of the 43 examined, 22 showed anovulatory heat. The ovary on the day of examinations was having palpable graffian follicles, without any evidence of C. L. formation even after repeated examinations.
2. Delayed Ovulation : 21 Heifers showed presence of cyclical corpus luteum and not conceiving even after repeated services. In these animals the period of oestrum ranged between 2.5 to 4 days.
All the heifers under study were free from genital infection as revealed by rectal palpation and culture reports of the discharges. Out of these 43 buffaloes heifers, 31 were given Aloes Compound (Vet) @ 10 tablets twice a day orally for a period of 20 days. 12 buffaloes heifers kept as control and were not given any medication.
Table : Effect of Aloes Compound | ||||||
Group | No. of Animals |
Buffaloe heifers exhibited Oestrous and Served | Conception results % |
Services required per conception |
Overall Concept ion rate |
Treated Group |
Control Group |
Delayed Ovulations Control Group |
15 12 |
13 9 |
76.9 33.3 |
1.66 2.2 |
77.8 | 33.3 |
In those animals which were given treatment, the starting day of treatment was in metaoestrum. In treated group the owners of the animals were asked to observe for any heat symptoms for a period of 20 days from the last day of medication and to bring the animal to clinic. They were served by artificial Insemination / Natural service and confirmed for pregnancy by palpation after two months.
It could be seen from the table that the conception rates in treated groups of anovulation and delayed ovulations were 78.6% and 76.9% respectively as against 33.33% in the control group. Deshpande (1983) reported 60% of conception rate in anoestrous buffaloes treated with Aloes Compound. Dange (1978) reported 100%conception rates in buffaloes. It was, therefore, opined that ALOES COMPOUND (Alarsin Pharmaceuticals, Bombay) has got a positive role in the regulation of ovulation and thus promoting fertilities, among buffaloes. This role of Aloes Compound is also evident in the present study as revealed by marked differences in the conception rates of the treated group (77.8%) and the control group (33.3%).
Compared to other products, the role of Aloes Compound in the regulation of ovulatory heats is economical and safe.
31 Graded Murrah Buffaloe heifers with ovulatory defects were treated with Aloes Compound for 20 days. There was a marked difference in the overall conception rates of treated (77.8%) as against control (33.3%) groups establishing the positive role of Aloes Compound.
Our sincere thanks are due to the Director of Animal Husbandry, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad and to M/s. Alarsin Pharmaceuticals, Bombay.
Dange, B. N. (1978) Indian Vet. J., 55 : 657
Deshpande (1983) Ibid., 60 : 758
Dutta, J. C.: Dutta K. C. and Rehman (1988)Indian Animal Health 27 : (2) Rao. A.V.N. and Kesava Moorthy, A. (1971) Indian Vet. J., 48 : 1176