Dr. ( Mrs. ) G. D. Ursekar

 Reprinted from 


 June   1973

‘ Ayapon ‘ to control bleeding after I. U. C. D.

Dr.  ( Mrs. )  G. D.  Ursekar,

B. B. S., D. G. O.

Medical  Officer,  Family  Planni ng  Centre,

E. M. Hospital, Pune 411 011

M A H A R A S H T R A   M E D I C A L   J O U R N A L

592, Sadashiv Peth, Bank of India  Building,  Laxmi Road, Poonu 411 030. ( INDIA )

 Ayapon ‘to control bleeding after I.U.C.D.

Dr. ( Mrs. ) G. D. Ursekar


    1. U. 0. D. requires utmost motivation in ladies, amongst all the other contraceptive methods. One of the commonest questions is about bleeding after I. U. C. D. In patient’s own words,  heavy and prolonged menses is a common complaint after I.U. C. D. insertion. Some ladies do not want the value of the loop but they only want relief from this trouble. As such the cause of bleeding after I. U. C. D. is not correctly known.  But the use of antibiotics and hemostatic drugs separately or in combination gives good results in controlling this bleeding. In our center, we remove the I. U. C. D. only after the failure of the above drugs.

    Pharmacology: Alarsin supplied us tablets of the drug  Ayapon which is a hemostatic drug.  Ayalon is prepared from the dried leaves of Eupatorium Ayapana. It contains Ayapin ( 6 : 7 methylene dioxycoumarin ) and Ayapanin ( 7-methylene coumarin ) and essential volatile oil. Both Ayapin and Ayapanin possess hemostatic property when administered.

    In addition, it contains Ashoka, Godanti which are useful in menorr­ Hagia and  Nagkeshar which is astringent and hemostatic.

    1. Selection of cases: We used this drug in two types of cases :

      ( A ) Those who came with bleeding complaints after I. U. C. D insertions, either menorrhagia or metrorrhagia. 12 ladies approached for advice 2 – 3 months after I. U. C. D. insertion ns.  All had moderate bleedings.

    ( B )   Those who received Ayapon prophylactically with  I.U .C. D. insertion.  These were  5 patients.  In all, we used this drug in  17 cases.

    Doses of Ayapon : In uroup ( A ) we started Ayapon in doses of two tablets three times a day since approach of the patient to the doctor. After 5 days the dose was reduced to one tablet three times a day and gradually with tapering doses, the drug was stopped on the 10th day. Only in two cases, it was repeated after next menses in same doses and then stopped.

    Tn group ( B ) we supplied this drug to the patient as soon  as she had

U. C. D. inserted, the dose being 1 tablet  3 times a day for 5 days.

Other medication: All patients  from  group ( A )  as well  as ( B ) had received  prophylactic  sulpha treatment  and  analgesic drugs for  3 days when

I.U. C. D. was inserted.   In group  ( A ) these drugs were not given again with Ayapon but group ( B ) had these drugs as well as Ayapon.

Results :  Our results are encouraging; they are as follows :

Group Bleeding stopped immediately Drug  repeated next month No bleeding  again    for  two  months

Failure  (I.U. C.D.removed)

 A 8  2 8+2=10 2
 B  No bleeding complaint in any of the five patients

Remarks: Above results are impressive but they are based on less number of cases.   Drug Ayapon seems to be a hemostatic agent.   Out of

12 cases in a group  ( A ) only 2 showed total failure and bleed ing did not respond after the prescribed dose.  Patients were not ready to go for further treatment and hence I.U. C. D. was removed. Out of the remaining IO cases,

8 showed a complete cure of complaint and they have not come back again for 3 months.   Two patients needed repetition of the dose next month.

ln group ( B ) all five cases were followed and nobody had any bleed – in trouble.   We  feel  that  the  drug  seems  to   be  powerful  for  the use  in

U. C. D. bleeding cise5  and sufficient trial should be given wi t h  this drug before taking decision to remove  [. U. C. D.]


Our sincere thanks are due  to Dr.  ( Mrs. ) B.  J.  Coyaji, the  Hon. Chief Medical Officer of K. E. M. Hospital, Poona, for allowing us to use this  drug  in our patients and to  Dr.  K. J.  Coyaji,  Associate  Gynaecologist of  K. E. M. Hospital, Poona for his valuable guidance i n  the procedure.