Dr. Varghese Mani


Dr. Varghese Mani, BSc MDS, Asst. Prof, of Ora! Surgery &
Dr. C. Basker Rao, MDS, Prof, of Oral Surgery, Kastbrba Medical College,
Manipal, Karnataka.

Paper at 1st International & 34th National Dental Conference at Bombay 20-24 Jan 1980

Ayurveda is the indigenous health science which has been nursed and nurtured by the re­puted Rishi's of ancient India. Recently Ayurveda has been rejuvenated by research studies and a good number of drugs are being introduced. The aim of this study was to investi­gate the anti-inflammatory property of an Ayurvedic drug called 'R.Compound' which has aroused considerable curiosity in the recent past.

An abnormally placed tooth can result in a good number of untoward pathologies. These usually necessitate prophylactic or curative re­moval of the impacted teeth. As mandibular third molars are the most common impacted teeth, the removal of the same is a routine minor surgical procedure in the field of oral surgery. Pain, swelling and trismus are the common post-operative complications after the procedure which is an embarrassment for the surgeon as well as the patient. Numerous en­thusiastic studies and trials using physical methods plant and animal enzymes, steroids and non-steroid pharmaceutical agents have been carried out in search of a solution with var­ying degrees of success.

In this instance R,Compound an Ayurvedic drug has been subjected to a double blind trial on patients undergoing surgical removal of im­pacted mandibular third molars to ascertain whether it has got any bearing on the post­operative complications like pain, swelling and trismus.

Material and Methods:

The clinical material consisted of 80 patients undergoing surgical removal of impacted man­dibular third molars.

i) The depth, position and situation of the impacted third molar was evaluated clinically andradiologically and an attempt was made to keep them as far as possible as having same anatomical status. The general medical condition of the patient was also evaluated and the selected patients were healthy without any systemic ailments.

Patients were divided into two groups, 40 pa­tients received R.Compound, the rest 40 re­ceived the placebo.

The dosage was two capsules three times a day for 5 days, starting 24 hours prior to surgery. The other group received similar look­ing placebo capsules in the same dosage. As an analgesic, paracetamol 500 mgs tablets were used. Patients were instructed to take the same as and when it was required.

Surgical techniques:

Standard set of instruments used forthe third molar surgery in the department of oral surgery was used.

Flap technique

On all occasions Flap technique was used for the removal of the surrounding bone. After the delivery of the tooth from the socket, proper debridement and toilet of the socket was done. The flaps were approximated and closed by two or three interrupted sutures. A pressure pack was given intra-orally. All the surgical proce­dures were done by the same operator.

All the patients were evaluated on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th post-operative days. Objective assessments were made for swelling and tris­mus. Pain being a subjective symptom was as­sessed according to the number of analgesic tablets consumed each day.


Assessment of the oedema was done by measuring the thickness of the cheek and al­veolus together, pre and post-operatingly. Two points were taken for the measurements. The lingual aspects of the distolingual cusp of the second molar at the occlusal level was taken as the intra-oral point. A line was drawn from the angle of mandible to the corner of the mouth and a point was marked 3.5 cm from the angle of the jaw. This point was taken as the extra oral one. The distance between two points has been taken, as the thickness of the cheek and al­veolus. This measurement was done with the minimal opening of the mouth.


With the help of a Boley'sguage the distance between the incisal edge of the maxillary and mandibular central incisors was measured when the mouth was fully opened.


All the recorded measurements were tabu­lated and subjected to statistical evaluation.


1. Swelling was less (highly significant) on all post-operative days in the R.Compound group.

Only 12.5% in the placebo group had complete relief of swelling on the 7th post­operative day.

On the other hand 92.5% in the R.Compound group had complete relief.

2. Trismus was significantly less in the R.Com­pound group, during the 1 st 5 post-operative days. Against 87.5% in the R.Compound group only 7.5% in placebo group experienced complete relief of trismus on 7th post­operative day.

Regarding the consumption of analgesic tablet, this R.Compound group needed less number of analgesic tablets, this being highly significant upto the 5thpost-operative day.


R.Compound has recently been tried in the field of orthopaedics with noteworthy success. This has already resulted in a couple of studies in dentistry also with favourable results. The exact mode of action of this drug is unknown. It is supposed to be general metabolic stimulant and activates the cells of reticulo-endothelial system. It is claimed to be beneficial to arrest degenerative process and to build up body re­sistance.

The present double-blind trial was undertaken to evaluate the effects of R. Compound in a more objective manner in the management of post-operative swelling, trismus and pain. This study has demonstrated that the use of R. compound has a significant favorable effect, on the course of all three post-operative compli­cations like swelling, trismus and pain.

The drug was well tolerated by the patients and no side effects were noticed. Still, clinical and pharmacological studies are essential to standardize the dose and to find out the active principles, bio-transformation and mode of ac­tion of the drug.

Though it was not intended to investigate the inter-relationship of these complications in the present study it could be said that the trismus and swelling were more related than trismus and pain. This observation is in accordance with the study conducted by Tin Bosch and Van Gool in 1977. But Lucian (1965) is of the opinion that post-operative pain and trismus were closely related.

It can be concluded that :-

1. R. Compound is effective in alleviation of post-operative complications.

2. It is remarkably free from side-effects.

3. R. Compound is cheap in comparison with other anti-inflammatory drugs.