Indications for Nursing Mothers
Indications for Nursing Mothers
Indications for High-risk pregnancies

History of abortions and
high-risk pregnancies
Leptaden is a natural, non-hormonal and safe medicine that helps improve the quantity and quality of breast milk. Clinically tested, this medicine has shown to improve overall milk quality by 11.8%. Results prove an improvement in protein, fat, and calcium content in milk, without affecting the quantity and regularity of lactation.
An ayurvedic formulation, this product has no side-effects. It is simple and easy to use by nursing mothers and is useful in the treatment of Lactation issues like deficiency, irregularity, absence of milk and poor milk quality. It is also preventive for women with cases of habitual abortions and who are prone to high-risk pregnancies.
If you are a doctor, click here
A well-known Ayurvedic stimulant and restorative herb, Jeevanti (Leptadenia Reticulata) is effective in many ways including the treatment of infertility
Botanically known as Breynia patens and more commonly known as Krishna-Kamboji in India, this climbing shrub is a valuable uterine astringent.

A well-known Ayurvedic stimulant and restorative herb, Jeevanti (Leptadenia Reticulata) is effective in many ways including the treatment of infertility
Botanically known as Breynia patens and more commonly known as Krishna-Kamboji in India, this climbing shrub is a valuable uterine astringent.

Dosage and Usage:
Being a 100% Ayurvedic product, Leptaden has no side-effects. It is advisable that you consult your doctor for appropriate line of therapy taking into account your individual condition and health parameters.
In absence, deficiency and irregularity of Lactation:
2 tablets tds for 7 days
After Lactation is stimulated:
2 tablets bd for 2-4 weeks. Dose to be gradually reduced before stopping the treatment.
For Multi-paras with a history of failure of Lactation:
Before delivery – 2 tablets tds 1-2 months and continue for 2-4 weeks post-delivery before gradually discontinuing
In habitual abortions:
Pre-conception treatment: 2 tablets tds continuously for 3 months even during menses (Celibacy is to be observed during this period). After this, once pregnancy is suspected 2 tablets tds throughout pregnancy.
In Threatened abortions:
Start 2 tablets tds at the earliest and continue throughout pregnancy.
For best results, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor or physician.
This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your doctor’s advice.