Effective in Absence Deficiency Irregularity of Lactation and High Risk Pregnancy
- Leptaden is a good galactagogue. Safe to the mother and the child.
- Improvement in the flow of milk within 24 hours
- It improves and maintains the quality of Breast milk
- Leptaden is highly useful in cases with a history of abortions or habitual premature labour.
Effective in Absence Deficiency Irregularity of Lactation and High Risk Pregnancy
- Leptaden is a good galactagogue. Safe to the mother and the child.
- Improvement in the flow of milk within 24 hours
- It improves and maintains the quality of Breast milk
- Leptaden is highly useful in cases with a history of abortions or habitual premature labour.
- Leptaden has Galactopoietic, Lactogenic and Galactokinetic actions.
- Lactation is stimulated within 8 to 12 hours in most of the cases.
- Noticeable improvement in Lactation occurs within 5-7 days of treatment.
- Measurement of Test Feeds show increases in quantity of milk.
- Helps to improve and maintain Protein, Fat, Calcium and Ash contents of Breast Milk.
- Lactation is maintained even after the treatment is discontinued.
- Flow of milk is easy and child can suck comfortably.
- Leptaden inhibits bio-synthesis of PGF2α by uterine tissues
- Normalizes environmental factors for proper implantation of fertilized Ovum.
- Has helped even in cases with history of 4-10 previous abortions.
- Measurement of Test Feeds show increases in quantity of milk.
- No harmful side effects to mother or foetus.
- In primigravida: Leptaden can be safely given as prophylaxis to ensure Full Term Normal Delivery and Live Birth.
- 2 tablets thrice a day after delivery for 4 weeks(it is suggested that Leptaden be started from the 1st day of delivery for better results)
- In Habitual abortions: Pre-conception treatment: 2 tabs tds continuously for 3 months even during menses (Celibacy is to be observed during this period). After this, once pregnancy is suspected 2 tablets tds throughout pregnancy.
- In Threatened abortions: start 2 tablets tds at the earliest and continue throughout pregnancy.
- In primigravida as Prophylaxis: 2 tablets bd throughout pregnancy to ensure FTND & FTLB.
Jeevanti, Kamboji

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